Every now and then I buy a really cheap piece of fabric and put more time in it than something of more expense. Cost of fabric - $1.00 per yard. Now that is cheap. This is a piece of nylon or polyester purchase at the big box store we all love to hate. (refuse to mention and give them any credit) Very difficult fabric to sew

on and had to baste many areas to keep fabric from sliding apart. Pattern was a Kwik Sew that I made some alterations on including re-drafting the sleeve for a better fit. Sleeve came out better that expected. I used vintage mother of pearl buttons and made small fabric rose on each collar point. I used silk organza for the interfacing as any fusible I had was too heavy. To add to the difficulty of construction I sewed all the seams at the wrong allowance and didn't discover this until almost done so I carefully re-sewed each seam and pulled out thread on incorrect seam allowance. Came out better than it should have. The only area that defeated me was sewing on the blind hem machine. Fabric just would't feed smoothly so I did sleeve hems by hand.